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Listen anons. The episode has failed in everyway. It is awful for Scootaloo's arch and questionable for the CMC as a whole.
Are you sure about that? The concept isn't on shaky ground at all. What would they have done if not for this episode?
After all this time her parents suddenly decide to just show up! Never mentioned before. The implications have always been that she has had a questionable home life. Now they suddenly give her perfect parents straight from a wish fic? And for what? So they can show up in the background for a couple of episodes!?
It's ambiguous enough that you can fit it in. Besides, it's not like everything has been thought up from the very beginning before? A lot of characters have randomly appeared who would've been logically mentioned before.
%Do you really think that her saying that she never had anypony telling her she was the best at anything fits with the scenario show before us. You could graft that onto her parents absence yes, but what does it say about the aunts though?%
Nothing. The aunts were shown to be quite supportive of her, and if anything, knowing her situation better than the parents.
Then its an inconsistency, and shows how out of nowhere this plot came from.
Her aunts weren't mentioned of being always around either. She was being taken care of by a mix of ponies.
So how come this has never shown up before? Miss Cake, Rarity, somepony would think she show a bit of a relationship with some of these ponies.
I'd image ponies like Rarity and Rainbow would be a somewhat more recent development. Besides, would she really be that friendly with all of her babysitters?
Tsk, tsk, really with the excuses today Dolores. There is no way with all the issues and insecurities she has show in the past that this doesn't reflect badly one at least one of the parties involved here. Her parents, her aunts, and whomever else is in this living arrangement we have suddenly been made aware of that apparently has been going on for nine whole seasons.
What you are going on is one inconsistency. The absence of her parents otherwise isn't that unusual for the show. Shining Armour, Cadence, Rainbow's parents, Fluttershy's family. There is a lot of characters that logically should've gotten a mention before their introductions but never did. There was no way introducing them this late into the game they would've been able to avoid this problem and they had to give some moderately probable excuse. Making them researchers both explains her reason for living in ponyville do them researching the Everfree and her reason for her parents absence. It fits a bit better into the puzzle them you are willing to admit... why are you smiling like that?