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Let's take apart this puzzle, shall we? Why do her aunts not already live in Ponyville? Why did they make them live close by but not in the town?
Probably to explain there absence at previous times as well and Scootaloo seeming greater independence at times.
Well, one would think, under your logic, they should already be living with her?
Not necessarily.
If absences don't matter, like you say, why did their's did enough for them to be written to not be simply taking care of her themselves? Doesn't this cast some of her moments in a negative light? Perhaps this was to explain that implication from Parental Glideance and the absence of authority figures in her life? It doesn't show highly of her parents and her aunts. Why didn't her parents send her to live with her aunts? Do you see how this doesn't quite fit without making somepony look a little bad?