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The only inconsistency I give you is the one in Parental Glideance, and even then it's only partial. It would require an analysis of other moments and any other implication on her living state that has been made, otherwise, it is a single implication that was made by one lone writer and can't be held as a pattern that they were implying Scootaloo had a rough home life or orphan status. As for her not living with her aunts, is that really as extreme as you make it out to be? I mean Apple Jack's cutie mark orgin story for goodness sake is her leaving to travel to Manehattan on her own. It has been heavily implied that foals can go off and travel and do things with minimal supervision outside of what be considered acceptable to the anons world.
True on the foals, but only partially. We have also seen them needing supervision on that same level as well. I will admit that a further analysis is needed on any other scrapes of information relating to her homelife as happened besides Parental Glideance, but tell me, Parental Glideance plus all other episodes excluding this one, what conclusion would you have drawn for Scootaloo's home life?
We really didn't have much to go on. I say, with hesitance, that I thought they were implying Scootaloo may have been a rough around the edges foal with a possibly questionable status, but it was never spelled out in stone. I never believed in orphanhood from the moment we saw she had a house she lived in though.
See, I got you cornered now. This plot makes no sense.
That's a bit of a stretch isn't it? Tell me what would happen if they never shown her parents? You'd be just as whinny as before. Urg... I'm tired, let's finish this debate another time.
Agreed. Though you must admit that I one this round. As for your last question, I don't know, but I can tell you it be better than this and more fitting of what was shown before. Maybe even tie Babs and DT and SS into too and truly tie up all loose ends.
You can't hold that against the episode itself.
Yes I can. The final season should be held to a higher standard, at least with closure.
Smell you later!
Urg... (Dolores gives an eyeroll as Twilight departs)