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>>/4293/ And this episode of Snarky Bitter Twilight argues with Dolores was brought to you by the battle being waged inside my head. I mean really, I have never felt so spit. >>/4290/ > it seems that your review about sounds pretty plausible and you seem to go from the least controversial part to the biggest one when it comes to the episode's quality. As you say,there is no material to explicitly point out at Scootaloo's aunts for being lesbians if it weren't because of a few screams from the users and the show staff for giving more fuel to them on Twitter. In short, throwing drama at each other so the rest gets to witness another duel with certain politics in mind. Yeah. Frankly it's pretty stupid. I don't like how it was pandered for pride month in media circles and /pol/'s hatred all the same. I;m not sure how this random couple over Lyra and Bon Bon or Octavia and Vinyl Scratch makes much sense. From what I hear it was the writers who requested it. it could easily be a calculated risk on Hasbro's part as well. Figuring the social environment was safe enough that they get some protection from the twitter mobs and just never accepted (or writters ever thought they could get it through) before with the others. Oh well, shiping straight or otherwise I have never cared for. Personally though I think I like the aunts tbh. > I should give this episode a 2nd watch because I was mostly focused about the drama of Scoot's aunts. With them aside, one begin to get into the roots of your mixed feelings about it. I do have seen a thread or two complaining solely about her parents on /mlp/ but I want to figure it out for myself and how problematic the real deal was here. Though it skews more positive in oppinion in some of the other corners of the ponynet, I have seen fair bit questioning the parents. I am truly split on them. Their are certain threads of logic where I can fully see those who hated it are coming from. Part of me feels what would they have done with the parents and there certainly would be people butthurt if they never showed up. Yet, I think they did show up too late to be great, and the absence seems a bit long. I'm not sure how you could judge them inuniverse or not. Even then though, is that something I should hold against the episode? Not sure... among sevral other issues Overall though I enjoyed watching it. Part of me feels like that if I tried to put myself in somonee's shoes and write it would it be much different in the basic goals? Yet I can see threads of logic where I could be disappionted all the same. My head... > Despite not living there,I think the weather doesn't look quite as rough as last night. Everything seems to lead to a sunny summer solstice over there Yep, clear mostly save some of the coastal areas I think... Though storms certainly can be /confy/ > If it turned out to become the villain of gen 5, Grogar in comparison would look majestic when it comes to the design. Yeah. But maybe with a little fixing up, I can meme him so hard he gets to be in G5! Laughs maniacally