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>>/4337/ and probably the spoilers part hurts more than it should. > You helped form our Dolores meme and brought her to life. Awesome April fools, etc. You are underestimating yourself here you are not that far off. Probably one gets overwhelmed by how much content this board has because of so few people. However, there is a difference, he has seen the evolution of it, probably not in depth, but... > NOT TO MENTION YOUR PLAN 9 PONY AND SOME OF THE DETAILED ADDITIONS YOU'VE MADE TO BANNER IMAGES THAT MAKE ME THINK YOU ARE A BIT MORE SKILLED THAN YOU LET ON! spending 8 hours compiling a program on for a simple joke on this board.. that´s some dedication and nobody asked him for doing that, there was no need to go through those limits and attempting to post an image with the lowest amount of KB. Also, what else can be said about the banners? > You were the first to reply to l23, if you hadn't been. I may have never seen the conversation... and than you'd have no /endpone/!You are just as important in shaping this place and are selling yourself short. and this is one of the biggest reasons to put his title on contributing at something. I thought that it wasn´t him but in retrospective, the Hi Anon image and his favoritism towards Celestia definitely made me see who replied to me back then. We were all scared and the conversations seemed like we had a bit of fear in our words. Those conversations felt a little bit awkward because I only planned to use this board for posting my favorite images and then, he replied with a Hi Anon pic. In order to step out of that situation, without leaving it awkwardly, was about reaching the 300 posts for getting into the first page of the boardlist. He kept replying and without leaving /mlp/, I continued his answers. Memes happened, topics happened spontaneously...then he disappeared in January, reflections came at certain days and then, the first fanfics/ideas came up. Maybe he didn´t expect to get this far...but none of us do either. > In all the stress of whatever is going on even giving this place an afterthought is too much to ask. yeah I am probably demanding him too much in order to figure out what went wrong. However, he has decided to close this chapter and one should try to move on. If it wasn´t because of the exam, I could have posted a message like yours during that morning instead of quoting GoT. The winter is slowly coming but at least, one should be glad that /endpone/ has had a period of happiness and strong stability during this year, especially in Spring. Where is this board leading? I don´t know...