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what did I think of Episode 13?

That it maybe my favorite of the season so far (well almost, a certain trio of villains come to mind). This episode seemed to do most things pretty well. I think the thematic of Celly and Luna's sisterhood problem felt stronger to me than in A Royal Problem. I haven't seen a Royal Problem in a long while though so I can't say that 100%. The pacing was fine, even with them taking a little while to start the main plot. The pre plot of gag of Luna and Celestia helping everypony left and right was fun  (even if it possibly softly breaks season 1 and season 2 implications). That ending though was especially strong!

Final rating: 9.5/10

Other observations:
> We put a small part of our power in this amulet 
1) I am really curious on that amulet. We don't really get much information on it despite seeing it in use. They said they put a small amount of their power in the amulet. Does that mean it doesn't take much of their power to raise the sun/moon? That seems strange. I mean, it would go with the idea that it really is tied more to a special spell relating to their cutie marks over a feat of power, but most things we've seen contradicted this that I can recall. I mean, whether you take it as the pillars or every unicorn in existence who used to raise and lower the sun/moon, it is still an entire race/several very powerful ponies needed to do what Celestia/Luna did on their own. I could nerd out at this for hours, but ultimately, unless it plays a part later on, it may just be a one off magical object/line that would be questionable to apply to everything. This is not a complaint against the episode at all though.
2) Twilight Sparkle and her friends have already overseen summits and events larger than this plenty of times before. Her worries over the sun and moon are perfectly understandable though. This is more of an observation than any kind of negative remark.
3) Luna has never used the post office? That seems pretty basic thing to miss out on. Then again, the royal sisters use scrolls, so I guess it could work.