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> and as if that wasn't enough,I have had to deal with a few bureaucracy things here and there.
Government or corporations, that can be a pain itself. The Republicans in my state aren't always the best at keeping either at bay. So while their are a lot of things I don't have to deal with compared to other parts of the country I still have experienced that pain.
> I have heard that there will be some drama because of a couple of episodes that have aired in the Chinese channel.So...we are going for a ride.
I have been partly spoilered. Not gonna say much
It isn't the biggest thing
But it does count as a canon ship tease for.
A certain Lord of Chaos and a Pegasus.
So yeah, a ride indeed.
> This time is the first in which I feel somewhat uninspired/lazy to do mostly anything even if it's something that I enjoy
Still goes with what I said about your mind being burned out.
> "If I don't post,this place will die"
My mentality has always been, "If this place becomes a burden that forces attention, this place will die."
> Now I have had a true period in which despite visiting it constantly,I haven't consumed myself at all. I am not going to pretend that I am a pseudointellectual doing something hidden, there isn't anything there.
Which is completely fine. Though Pseudointellectualism I'm not sure would be the word I use.
> well,I have updated my connection for the first time in years. From 10 MB to optic fibre
Awesome! Since I stay between 2 or 3 different places, my internet ranges from meh, bad, to the hardware is 10+ years old but it should be goodish on paper. I actually have had a been a bit better in time for myself so I can get away with waiting awhile it downloads HD too!