> they have become a joke. SJW or the modern left tires me a lot and they repeat the same things over and over without actually thinking about those conclusions.

This pretty much.

> There is a moment when you don't care about what they say about you being a nazi/fascist or whatever the tag that apply to civilized people who don't agree with them,you simply give up because the brain cannot deal with what they ask all the time.

Indeed. Sorry for posting it here though. I really should have put it in /go/ do ta that being still relevant to me trying to gauge the different fandom factions. I've heard that their is some mild drama over SWJs occurring and I need to start monitoring stuff just for the sake of archival and figure things out  as possibly draining that could be. 

>  Be careful with what you wish for. If we are in 2013, then it means that we are getting the two biggest explosions of drama from the fanbase. Your secret plan seems to be that you want to play with violent fire here...

Equestria Girls = Equestria Alien Girls.
Twilicorn = Starlicorn (or in the /end/, Doloricorn).
 Yes it is fun. 

Though this is a shitpost, I can say I agree, we have a whole lotta leaks. And rumors that appeared early on have sometimes turned out way truer than their initial creditably would suggest. ** You still haven't been redpilled on the true threat: ((((Potatoes)))).