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> I find the hopeless magic interesting.
it certainly represents a form of disharmony from the ponies themselves. This question shouldn´t be all that much of a mystery considering the events of Return of Harmony and the sad version of Pinkie Pie turning into Pinkamena in a couple of episodes, losing her vibrant energetic attitude. 

> How did this town not get any help? It may not be too insane actually.Though newer seasons have often made the world feel smaller we must remember that Equestria has been portrayed with large areas of questionable law and order (Diamond Dog gags a day's walk from ponyville anyone?) and plenty of smaller towns.
keep in mind that this could have served as a 2nd movie for the big screen. This plot only works when you know nothing about the franchise so only the mane 6 get to shine and the place and ponies that we meet here are new for literally everyone. Equestria is a big continent but I agree that it feels smaller considering the recent seasons. This doubt makes me raise the question if these events could have happened in earlier seasons (without taking into account Trixie and Dolores in the first scene at the background)

> I thought the mane 6 would have some kind of rainbow designs happen to'em based on the promos and toys.
nope, it seems that the promo showed Twilight with Rainbow wings because of the clothes that Kerfuffle designed for them. Only the rainbow colors were applied for Twilight´s

> Opening intro and first song weak, Living in Color was just fine
I have different views towards that. I agree with the weak intro butI appreciate more The End of the Rainbow because of the spoken word style while Living in Color, it´s really generic (maybe too cheesy because the singing voices don´t stop with the higher notes) for me, they could have used an emotional piano track for the background music while getting a few emotional lines between the characters. I am not really fond with it but whoever wants to shout Living in Color to the four winds,go ahead in the brony conventions but don´t ask me to do that. *rolls eyes*

> This one is more questionable. Do I hate it? No
it´s impossible to hate it but I cannot love it as much as /mlp/ did when it aired

> I fully expected this to be off in some way do to the fact that it is essentially a movie theater production that was downgraded to a TV special.
considering that we have a second part with the Toon Boom animation, one would have expected something more unique in comparison but if it managed to be a movie production, I wouldn´t praise it that much and it would fall in a generic territory. It only needed 30 minuted more to reach the movie´s length and there have been cinema releases that have gone through cheaper methods for the sequels. Even by getting rid of my expectations, I cannot classify as something noteworthy or as positive as it sounded with this style

> I was surprised by how simple and straight forward it was. I was expecting their would be a little more in terms of what was going on. I was expecting something perhaps a little stranger 
the movie went into a straight forward route just that it went from one place to another, feeling fresh all the time and when the plot ended up in Canterlot, it actually felt like you had been in a trip(varied emotions and places).The plot device that comes up to my head for this special is the Cutie Map but without a villain nor any sort of mystery for spending a few neurons for guessing games. It´s pretty direct and exposes every problem in the first twenty minutes, feeling flat for an entire hour of animation. The storybook even sums it up better with less pages, so the writer has had to add up artificially more situations at a slow pace so it would justify the promised length. There is very little that you can miss as I said before and I am trying to discuss it as if this special was somewhat interesting but there isn´t much out there to talk about