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Well, I´ve just rewatched for sure the easiest episode that I am commenting out of these three: Between Dark and Dawn.  

> what did I think of Episode 13?
It´s awesome. I could end my thoughts right here. 

> That it maybe my favorite of the season so far (well almost, a certain trio of villains come to mind). 
Frenemies is really hard to beat considering that it wasn´t in our expectations at all and delivering a slice of life story with them. The princesses have had episodes of that kind but we didn´t get such a carefree spirit as this episode brings onto the table.

>  I think the thematic of Celly and Luna's sisterhood problem felt stronger to me than in A Royal Problem.
A Royal Problem was focused more on the empathy of both for their own jobs. Notice how elitist they were when they changed their positions, claiming who was the best sister at doing such activity. It was detoured a little bit because of the reveal of their dark sides. Here however, they don´t show that.They get rid of their duties and go as any other average tourist for vacations because of the consumption from their jobs. This might not sound interesting as one could expect but that change of dynamic really suited them. All those fans who drew and wrote about the royal sisters doing cute simple things must have had a blast watching this....but not only those can get that pleasure because in general, this episode screams pure fun and a chill out time. 
> The pacing was fine, even with them taking a little while to start the main plot. The pre plot of gag of Luna and Celestia helping everypony left and right was fun (even if it possibly softly breaks season 1 and season 2 implications). That ending though was especially strong!
I do believe that the pacing was perfect. I may sound biased because I watched Rainbow Roadtrip yesterday for a 2nd time and you don´t know how much I appreciate this format after watching the special. I thought that Twilight consumed a little bit too much the run time but it was justified for her arc so I take it as a quick subplot, not to mention that the comedy doesn´t stop at all without the sisters.  All the actions happen with proper timing, there is not padding here and for the simple plot that it was, everything went smoothly (especially how the song has a little reprise by toning it down in order to show the lack of fun that both were getting by accomplishing the list) but still quick at the same time.

You are mentioning the introduction and  from the start, you can expect really funny lines along the way. The royal sisters must have been bored all this time because helping Granny Smith to cross the street without any traffic... well, they sure don´t get tired of doing anything (especially Celestia, the eagerness of this lady is reminiscent of Pinkie Pie, no wonder she likes to troll the mane 6 for a little bit of fun despite the mess)

> Final rating: 9.5/10
definitely in the top 5 of this season so far.