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> I am really curious on that amulet. We don't really get much information on it despite seeing it in use. They said they put a small amount of their power in the amulet. Does that mean it doesn't take much of their power to raise the sun/moon? That seems strange. 
their cutie marks are the sun and the moon and probably that task is done as any other mundane work. If you remember A Royal Problem, Celestia was surprised that she raised the moon with so much ease and it was the first time that she did that after her sister came back in season 1. They have a huge amount of magic and the only have to use their horns for a little while in order to do that. 

> it would go with the idea that it really is tied more to a special spell relating to their cutie marks over a feat of power, but most things we've seen contradicted this that I can recall.
basically that theory is what I would answer here. Despite discussing about two big characters in terms of power and relatively unanswered backstories, this doesn´t seem to bother that much to them, not that the fanabse has made drama around it. You are forgetting that they have wanted a carefree time because of how monotone their daily lives are. What is extraordinary for all the ponies, it becomes ordinary for these two.... and that includes raising both the sun and the moon. 
> whether you take it as the pillars or every unicorn in existence who used to raise and lower the sun/moon, it is still an entire race/several very powerful ponies needed to do what Celestia/Luna did on their own. 
yeah but even the most powerful ponies like Starswirl would also get bored and automatize the process of raising and lowering such iconic stars in the end. While it´s true that not everyone is able to do that stuff, those might have done wouldn´t say that it´s very interesting in the long run. 

> I could nerd out at this for hours, but ultimately, unless it plays a part later on, it may just be a one off magical object/line that would be questionable to apply to everything. This is not a complaint against the episode at all though.
it most likely serves as one off object. FiM also plays with the mystical objects for the mundane plots. For example, in Triple Threat, the map of Harmony trolled Spike by saying that he had a task to do in Ponyville and it meant nothing but the problem that he had had all the time with Thorax and Ember. However, the show sometimes decides to give more depth to something that we didn´t bother all that much in the first place. Writers are twisted for what they want and other times, they play with the lore for literally nothing. Considering the nature of this episode, the amulet served for one final joke and end the episode with the full circle, with the princesses going back to Canterlot.