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>>/4458/ > Here is my fears and what could factor the most over how I consider it's legacy. I'm seen some rise the concerns with this aspect that Hasbro may have decided to go the passive rout with future mlp stuff. Soft and tame. well, then consider me a fan of the fandom if that happens. I mean I am not against simple or pure slice of life stories. In fact, I have praised The Point of No Return or even enjoyed a lot more Going To Seed despite only occurring in the Sweet Apple Acres. Hell even Between Dusk and Dawn is a more carefree episode than this special and it easily enters in the top 5 of the first half. What Hasbro doesn´t get is that the setup doesn´t only sell the show but what you do with the ingredients for engaging the viewer. You can have all the superheroes like Marvel has and make the movie truly boring or you can write about two/three characters interacting in a mundane way between themselves and make it entertaining/rewarding all the way through. > Upon rewatch I really really feel the gen3 feel. If it was just do to cut budget and them making something simple for time, then I just see it as unfortunate and not necessarily that I ould hold against them too much. If it's do to directives from above than that would negative tint on it all for me. it feels like gen 3 yet the characters don´t act out of their traits. So where does it fail? They left aside some sort of rewarding interactions, subtlety and again, just only moving the plot forward, without showing interesting from the mane 6 except the regular scheme that you would expect from them. Except for bits of comedy, everything feels somewhat generic and stagnant. It´s not about the lack of colors either because the fanbase praised Rarity Investigates and that episode happened in black and white most of the time. The most unique parts from it were the animation vectors (especially how good Rainbow Dash looked there) and the spoken word song. The rest was pretty safe. AJ served as the voice of reason because Spike was lacking in this special. The rest hasn´t stuck with me except that Petunia and especially Kerfuffle look cute. > I see it as something that could have had a lot of potential even on it's own without a villain (though it probably would've been better with one).It isn't a bad concept to revisit, just it was solely used as a plot device to get from point A to point B without anything cool. It was just there than gone. yeah, they could have used it as a plot device like for example, Princess Twilight Sparkle did with the tree of Harmony. Actually what you are looking for with those questions has been made with the tree over the seasons, just that this special has contributed nothing towards that possible bit of unanswered lore. You have a lot in common with /mlp/ because I have seen a few anons who were expecting a villain to show up or something (saying that in retrospective). A wasted opportunity (and certainly frustrating the more one asks for answers of its direction) for that but,oh well. > I wonder what the original concept was. That'd be nuts to have something this straightforward as the plot, considering the first 15 to 20 minuets and the title and rainbow pony toy push my initial thoughts were that this had to be cut down. we don´t know anything behind the scenes. The special just came and went without making much noise. There weren´t almost any ads nor marketing for it so one can imply that it´s been considered as a minor project in comparison to the main series. > However, it wouldn't be impossible that Hasbro may have actually chose this route. Isn't the person that was hired to oversee gen 5 a former marketing exec? a marketing exec taking the lead? Well, then the golden days of subtle product placement can wave goodbye. Also I don´t know what Hasbro wants to do with MLP in terms of toys.Everything that they have been selling in the recent years are the mane 6, the princesses and well known background characters. > I want my Rainbow pony powerups! season 4 already did that though