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> Well, I´ve just rewatched for sure the easiest episode that I am commenting out of these three: Between Dark and Dawn. 

> It´s awesome. I could end my thoughts right here. 

That's the TLDR take away.

> .but not only those can get that pleasure because in general, this episode screams pure fun and a chill out time. 

I know that I did. This is probably one of the times that i have most liked them traveling everywhere.

> I do believe that the pacing was perfect. I may sound biased because I watched Rainbow Roadtrip yesterday for a 2nd time and you don´t know how much I appreciate this format after watching the special.

Lot more meat. Ya'know, every time I compare Rainbow Rooadtrip with a higher tier episode of the show the it feels.

> a marketing exec taking the lead? Well, then the golden days of subtle product placement can wave goodbye. 

It seems like that was some market exec that was placed in charged or was to be in charge at some point but I don't remember when I heard this and it could b changed  or even a rumor  for all I know Seems like though I heard it from EqD though. Been a bit busy with other things to check.

> well, then consider me a fan of the fandom if that happens. I mean I am not against simple or pure slice of life stories. In fact, I have praised The Point of No Return or even enjoyed a lot more Going To Seed despite only occurring in the Sweet Apple Acres. 

Me too. With FiM though there was 2 ingredients that would be lacking if they the two routes I most fear with gen 5 (younger kids route and people pleaser let's emulate other successful formats/what's popular right now). Good writing and the hints of adult themes. For example Pinkie Pie would probably be LOL random with no depth 100% and their would be a lot less of subtlety, snarky, if they go full kids route adventure moments like running into a monster(t leat be dulled down), etc. Their just probably wouldn't be much in it for us.