> Well, maybe not with a fully pessimistic note. If we take this special as a reference/prototype for the next decade, then gen 5 would turn out as a meh generation. It would become the second best gen because it would have the technical parts in order but the execution and entertainment value of it wouldn´t make anyone scream about it. It would come and go without pity nor glory, only staying as a serviceable show on the surface. 

Sounds like what Lego did when they tried to bring back Bionicle. It was clearly dumbed down a bit and was trying to keep a youger demographic in mind. Though their logic was understandable many fans were upset because they themselves had been hooked when they where  I was  because of the impressive depth of the world. Though Bioicle itself was prone to some more standard kids fair products a lot of th stuff was pretty impressive for the time. I think fans were a bit too hard on it, because whatever final product wouldn't be their taste, but at the same time I don't think lego was able to recapture Bionicle's success with the simplification when what had caused it it was it's immersive  world and relative exotic style.  
Flash short from 2014:
Flash game from 2001 :
TDLR: what I fear more than any changes are simplication/marketabity shaping it gen 5. 

So yeah, a fan of the fandom indeed...