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The Last Laugh quickie first impressions/maybe still a revew?

I have seen the Last Laugh, still waiting on when I'll get the chance to watch 2,4,6 Greaaat. 

I think this episode's initial driving premise is perfect for Pinkie. A feeling of inadequacy compared to her friends and although she doesn't show much hints of negative emotion, anyone who watched the show knows that their is likely more darker thoughts just below the surface. I felt like Pinkie was perfectly in character here. 100%, To anyone that says she's been simply reduced to a flanderized LOL random gag character I present this episode. All the behaviors displayed from her determination to help Cheese Sandwich to her various jokes are perfectly in line with the Pony from way back in season 1/2 except perhaps slightly more reserved. (She's not going to Cranky Doodle Donkey levels of obsession, though she is still a little obsessed of course). 

The story was good and the moral was well constructed for her though I could see a couple of paths of criticism one could take. 1) One could say she just kind of swept the whole thing under the rug couldn't you? After all, she just cheers up Cheese and suddenly is like "I guess I'm happy being like simple old Pinkie!" without really fully dealing with the fact of how small she is from all her friends  Though in reality Apple Jack, Fluttershy to a lesser extent are similarly small compared to TS, RD and Rarity  Another is that for the closing of Pinkie's arc, I could understand some seeing it as not as fantastical fan service or any sort of game changer and too much focus on a another pony who, while was funny to see in that state, perhaps feels a bit wasted for her last episode.  If you consider it the last do to another ep that has her in a costarring role coming up 

However, on the first point, their isn't much ground to stand on when you look at the writing. Pinkie didn't just sweep it under. She saw a pony who had archived a similar state of power and wealth as her friends and that pony was utterly miserable in that position. Pinkie saw herself if she tried to cash in on her fame. She saw a pony walk away from a position of a Rarity or a Rainbow Dash and being happy doing what she  already was doing (well I suppose Cheese does still own the factory...) and concluded that she could make do on her path. I mean she already has Buckball and being a hero, keeping her parties intimate and her own style maybe critical to her health and sense of who she is amidst all that. 

As for the second point, that is one I am much more sympathetic too but that's not something I can truly judge until the show is over and perhaps some revisits to older episodes. Even then the story as written did little wrong.

8/10 for now since I'm only on first watch.