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> This is probably one of the times that i have most liked them traveling everywhere. 
because it´s like a small compilation of all Equestria´s expansion and how big this world actually is with so many possibilities. The song would have worked without the completion but it feels like a subtle payoff for approaching interest from the ponies during the years that the mane 6 have been active in Ponyville. Combine this with the fact that Celestia and Luna barely go out of their comfort zone and you have a fully passionate feeling for checking them once more.

> every time I compare Rainbow Rooadtrip with a higher tier episode of the show the it feels.
eeeyup, it´s weird. The development of my thoughts towards the special have ended up in a pretty awkward place in the wrong way. I didn´t get the same vibe while I was rewatching these two episodes (12 and 13) after experiencing the special twice.  Accumulating the three reviews pretty close together makes the difference much more visible than reviewing them weekly with only one single try.

> some market exec that was placed in charged or was to be in charge at some point but I don't remember when I heard this and it could b changed or even a rumor for all I know Seems like though I heard it from EqD 
well just in case that you have a link or something to back it up (hopefully not even though it wouldn´t surprise me at all), you can bring this up again.

> With FiM though there was 2 ingredients that would be lacking if they the two routes I most fear with gen 5: 
> younger kids route
Funnily enough, FiM has always aimed at kids...adding up to the fact that the whole family can enjoy it as well. However, are kids really all that interested in cartoons anymore? Because they have a lot of options these days that could overshadow MLP if Hasbro doesn´t put enough effort and money at marketing gen 5, combined with the fact that the Internet, especially Youtube exists. I see more kids getting entertained with random videos of Youtube with their IPads, let alone if the television is an appealing medium to cater to them.

I will say this: there were like 9 people in the cinema session for the MLP movie....3 parents watched it: one of them was with a 11 year old girl, the other one brought her 3 year old little daughter (a little bit too young though) and the other one was my mother. Guess what, the 1 year old caught everything while the one with the 3 year old stayed a little bit surprised and that kid didn´t catch up everything obviously(she noticed that Tempest wasn´t evil though). The other four people were me and three college students. I´ll leave it at that
> and people pleaser let's emulate other successful formats/what's popular right now). 
you mean that they attempt miserably at copying adult animes and make this franchise proper of edgelords?. Or do you mean by popular about referencing random dated memes explicitly so they could ruin the ambience of their own settings? 
They have already touched the darkest parts  without reaching the grim and it proves how subtlety really suits this show for keeping the entertainment value for the adults. The only thing that one fan can ask for this franchise is:

> Good writing and the hints of adult themes.
pretty much this. 

> For example Pinkie Pie would probably be LOL random with no depth 100% and their would be a lot less of subtlety, snarky, 
if they go full kids route adventure moments like running into a monster(t leat be dulled down), etc. Their just probably wouldn't be much in it for us.
then yeah,you mean the obnoxious meme route for easy jokes and one dimensional lines. However, the good news for you is that season 9 has offered a pretty mature Pinkie with The Last Laugh so despite your fears, at least gen 4 has covered all your petitions until the very end of its ride.