> This trick only works on some gifs that are formated a in a certain way and while I can't say it's too terribly interesting on it's own it is something that might be fun with a little further editing.
it´s quite fun honestly, it reminds me a lot of the RPG battles in which only the opponents matter and the backgrounds truly irrelevant. It´s a quite peculiar idea to be honest even though it seems quite tricky to domain all the pixels for the parts of the picture. 

For the TFH character fits pretty well I must say. 
> The AJ I resized smaller because I feared with endchan's 8chan chaos I may have a harder than normal time posting an 18mb file.
you can post it again with a more calm mindset, we are not meeting the same fate as them....hopefully (even though a few ones are claiming that it could come back(?)) 

now, that´s a pretty damn great transition. Into the hits it goes.