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> their isn't much ground to stand on when you look at the writing. Pinkie didn't just sweep it under.
she is what she shows to the cameras. I mean, she is the most one dimensional in comparsion to the rest so there isn´t indeed much ground to stand on nor discover beyond its superficial image except for a couple of visible things in the middle. 

> She saw a pony who had archived a similar state of power and wealth as her friends and that pony was utterly miserable in that position. 
this hints that the episode couldn´t be exactly directed at Pinkie but it does at the same time during the execution. Why did Weird Al Yankcovic come back to this show? What character could you see for a means to an end? Clearly Pinkie is the closest canon character to interact with him so they have had her as a plot device to express his purpose that...

> She saw a pony walk away from a position of a Rarity or a Rainbow Dash and being happy doing what she already was doing and concluded that she could make do on her path.
Pinkie also shares. You could notice how Cheese sounded in a low key before recovering his smile and you are overlooking in these first impressions/review a lot the fact that Cheese hasn´t only tried to be funny, but the song and the last third feels more like finding the optimism that he had shown in the past. His breakdown is quite similar to Pinkie´s and (I am entering into headcanon territory here) that sense of recovery feels less like laughing at his jokes and more like finding that passion that one had lost over time. 

What´s the difference between Pinkie Pride and this episode? Weird Al finished his 22 year contract in 2014, so he has been free of doing whatever he has wanted but there is a little bit of serious stuff among his material: in 2017, he didn´t parody any of the songs in his tours, he simply covered the originals with a little encore of his own catalog. What am I attempting to bring on the table with this?

Weird Al could have felt a little bit tired of parodying stuff because of his own fame and he has probably felt forced to keep that image alive. I don´t know about his private life but what I know is that the music industry hides quite dark stuff behind the scenarios and I wonder why Weird Al has accepted to come back for appearing here again and developing an episode like Common Ground did for Patton Oswalt? 
So my interpretation isn´t quite the same for your point of criticism because maybe Pinkie Pie served as a subtle plot device just like Rainbow Dash did for Quibble Pants.

> I mean she already has Buckball and being a hero, keeping her parties intimate and her own style maybe critical to her health and sense of who she is amidst all that.
and one little thing more: she knows no frontiers. Her party language feels universal in this world and she doesn´t have any fears to move for doing so. 

> that's not something I can truly judge until the show is over and perhaps some revisits to older episodes. Even then the story as written did little wrong.
the episode is truly solid, the pacing went in a proper manner and surprisingly enough, I got more laughs when they were exposing Cheese´s problem than the resolution because I see that comeback of laughter as a form of personal relief for Cheese´s character more than anything else. 

> 8/10 
indeed. Not the highest point to mention because it´s not a life changer episode for this show but I must admit that it truly deserves  an honorable mention. Little to no flaws were shown here and it was enjoyable all the way through.  

> Kudos to them for not making Sam Smirk a secondary antagonist/jerk despite being a unfun corporate type. 
THIS. They could have gone with the Svengallop´s route but nope, they went with the nice route like Cherry Jubilee did with AJ in The Last Roundup. I must point out that he said that the factory was a thing that he wished initially and Cheese´s one.I let that sink in.

2,4,6 Great comes next and it seems that you posted your views yesterday. Let´s see if I can do that as well tonight...