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so my thoughts about 2,4,6 Great are coming first watch, it looks like a complete disappointment and a utter waste of time, the 2nd attempt kind of confuses me in terms of rating it and let´s say that I am more or less mixed towards it. Let´s see if I clear my mind during this review/reply:

> I don't have strong negative emotional reaction to this at all but I think I understand if someone did.
you are spot on. I had negative thoughts at first but now, I have tried to figure out how this plot has been written and developed in the plot itself and behind the scenes. I mean, you have the poll from /mlp/  >>/4468/ and I swear that while I can imagine their thoughts, I haven´t read any single one so I don´t know the usual aspects that they have used to judge it. 

> The plot is sound in concept and I enjoyed the team's antics well enough but the drivers of the plot seem a bit off.
to me, the concept of cheering is what sounded dumb to me. I mean, why are the writers doing this in the last season? For what purpose? I agree that the squad looks like they communicate to each other quite well, it seems that they have known each other before this plot. 

> I could see some taking issue with how Rainbow Dash acted a bit irresponsibly and Twilight Sparkle setting up Dash to lead the cheering squad in the first place did seem pretty arbitrary and her doing that as a teaching to RD seemed like it was just thrown in the end of the episode almost as excuse thrown in at the end
almost like it is. However, this problem is what I have had to analyze for the 2nd watch of the episode, why did they repeat the formula of... 

> The Mysterious Mare Do Well? The episode would've been more interesting if it had been established as a dynamic within the episode (or at least dropped a hint)
the thing is that I am confused for rating this episode and it looks like I am defending or I have been paid by Hasbro....but I´ve realized that there are hints about that resolution, just that they are not all that obvious for the viewer. You know, this is why I need to give more attempts for an episode instead of judging it with a single try, one might miss some details that could change the perspective towards it to some extent. My second watch has consisted in stopping the episode at certain parts and repeating little moments just to analyze where those little details pan out. I will get to that later...

> they could've had it good with it being a co-staring episode with Smolder having costar status and point of view so RD and her could clash and they both get character development from it . I suppose this could however put pressure on screentime for everypony though. 
yeah, that could have rushed it. In fact, Smolder looks way more expressive than the rest of the squad because she is more direct/less subtle about her thoughts. 

Now, after replying to this shortly, it seems that I have anything to offer over here that hasn´t been said but the 2nd watch has something else to bring onto the table...