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>  Also Twilight has needed her several times like the part for Moondancer, so even by looking small and not having an arc, she subtly forges and maintains that warmth for those who are invited to the party.

Agreed. She isn't doing nothing that's for sure and she's ot stagnant even if within the universe she hasn't become the top chef or party planer (being OP ain't needed anyway).


Weird Al could have felt a little bit tired of parodying stuff because of his own fame and he has probably felt forced to keep that image alive. I donĀ“t know about his private life but what I know is that the music industry hides quite dark stuff behind the scenarios and I wonder why Weird Al has accepted to come back for appearing here again and developing an episode like Common Ground did for Patton Oswalt?
Hadn't thought of this but when you brought it up yeah that makes sense. Interesting to think about if Weird Al was expressing himself in someway here. I mean, it's one of those things that could be just a minor footnote  but ca even be a subtle expression in a darker way, like Weird Al wants to be Cheese Sandwhich and go back but he may still feel a little trapped. I need to rewatch with this perspective in mind. Maybe I'll see something else between the lines. 

> to me, the concept of cheering is what sounded dumb to me. I mean, why are the writers doing this in the last season? For what purpose?

I think it boils down to the question of: should the writers try to tie up every lose end and do every last bit of fav service and lore or should they treat the season mostly like any other? For this episode is too me, inoffensively lackluster barring how stupid you think RD and TS maybe acting. I've been really trying to think how to judge things with this show and there would be a lot of perspectives to look at. Such as owning to the fans that breathed life into the show vs the show's ultimate, some might argue utilitarian, purpose as children's entertainment. Which is something that shadows over all fan service and expectations  and I'm not even going into the core theme of the show and how I could see it being possibly violated by diving in to far to one mentality or the other  As for the concept though I think it could work if it just was tweaked a bit, RD maybe less jerkish but having let the fame go to her head more subtly and realizing that she undervalues those who work in the background to make these events happen. Or even better, if they are setting up RD to be the captain of the wonderbolts, have it be a lesson of leadership. Have her actually be in charge of the buckball team and have  her neglect the operation of the other elements (cheerleaders, logistics, etc) to her peril.  

>  She has done this to Rainbow Dash before in the other two episodes, does this make any difference? I think that she is learning how to act like Celestia which makes sense considering that she is going to become a princess. 

That is what now really interests me with this episode that you put it that way. I had noted that her attitude seemed like trollestia but it was only a footnote that I would've included in bonus thoughts and observations (along with RD seeming possibly too stupid and dismissive of cheering considering she is such a sport's pony) . I think A Trivial Problem may actually show a bit too. That on its own as significant enough to save her reasoning I'd be mixed on, but I think it adds an bit to think about. 

> It gives development and a reason to exist for Ocellus. 

I think it's a good detail, though I still think that with the time they had they perhaps should have given a co-staring role to one of the student 6 because in it'd be good to get their POV whenever you can crowd it into this season.