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> keep in mind that I am commenting and overanalyzing way more than a normal fan normally does (and this practice is somewhat stupid to some extent to do all the time) and I have admitted that this might come more from headcanon territory, not from the show itself but more from the context behind its production.

Do I think it is the biggest in the world, no. But sometimes there are little contexts and such that does add perspective and sometime one might find something interesting. It's not stupid. 

>  I went way too far and tried to analyze why she has set up all of this and while one could this as a try hard projection to defend this episode

My thoughts on the episode are still the same 6.9 to 6.5 rating. It's a very tiny detail, more season 1 Celestia like where it's just something that one might assume with limited information For example, do to Celestia just tagging along in the background for her  and being a troll, we thought she must've planed the whole showdown with Nightmare Moon (this may have been made canon in a pure Season 4 context when it was revealed she had prophetic dreams), yet in season 7, we find that it was not as planned as we thought  though I could be wrong since I'm very not awake.  It is such a subtle observation that it could be called head canon territory, but I think it's is worth looking into. Again, in a Trivial Problem a saw a bit bigger example.

> the problem is that the students don´t get enough time to explore them in a personal level. For one of them, we know more about her family (Silverstream), another one is so uninteresting and chill that ends up as his main virtue for his character (Sandbar) and lastly, we don´t get to see the problems that one changeling has to face in a 2nd era for their lives (Ocellus). This might explain they have left that stuff for IDW...I suppose.

They probably should've been introduced a couple of seasons ago. Not the show staff's fault for the most part here. They clearly had different plans in season 7 with the Pillars and the Pony of Shadows before the school had to be put in. 

> I have no hurry at all, the world is still moving anyway.

Me neither. I'd rather take the time rather than have it pass at a breakneck pace with FiM final season.

> I will catch up with the next two episodes soon. As for the bridge, I think that she is in good health for now.

She maybe in very good health soon...