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Quickie Review: A Trivial Pursuit (apperent not A Trivial Problem)

I liked it. I dig settings that take place mostly in one location and this did bring a /comfy/ feel. Calm before the final storm. Twilight Sparkle perhaps may have acted to immature for her character but then again it's just a simple trivia game. What I meant with another hint of TS acting like a princess (albeit she may have shown this some before) was how she acted with the rules. Finding rules that exist but had been seldom enforced to eliminate competition and when that failed trying to create your own using the power to draft'em. Sounds awfully politician like doesn't it.

Unless upon reexamination of Twilight's character and find something conflicting with a previous episode in the last 4 seasons (she may have been a bit too jerkish in the latter part) I rate this 7.5/10