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>>/4554/ > I liked it. I dig settings that take place mostly in one location and this did bring a /comfy/ feel. Calm before the final storm. just like Going to Seed: one location and one single objective (winning a contest). It doesn´t require much more analysis than that but it doesn´t need many more elements for entertaining the viewer for a little nice slice of life story. > Twilight Sparkle perhaps may have acted to immature for her character but then again it's just a simple trivia game. What I meant with another hint of TS acting like a princess (albeit she may have shown this some before) was how she acted with the rules. and that´s quite funny because I have pointed out before that I don´t find any sort of differences between her as a princess and her as a nerdy student. In fact, she says clearly in the episode that this has nothing to do with the title of the princess of friendship, but more like a challenge that she imposes to herself. We all know how she acts, the show itself has added a verb to describe her process of craziness and if you compare her to Lesson Zero, she has stayed mentally organized when it comes to the basics. She was pretty smart at preventing her disqualification when she almost checked the Daring Do book because of Sunburst´s big headed mentality. Anyway, you are going to find more development from her pretty soon but this serves as a reminder that her moral principles haven´t changed all that much. Nerdy as ever, classic Twilight always tries to be the best at what she does (even if she has won three times in a row). > Finding rules that exist but had been seldom enforced to eliminate competition and when that failed trying to create your own using the power to draft'em. Sounds awfully politician like doesn't it. do you remember that CNN article about her involved in the US politics? Yeah, that was a joke but seeing her obsessive mindset for winning a simple contest, goddamn, she´s really picky and challenging to fool around. I wouldn´t like to have her as an opponent because that period of eliminating the other players with the rules looked almost like a dirty trick for her ideal victory. > Unless upon reexamination of Twilight's character and find something conflicting with a previous episode in the last 4 seasons (she may have been a bit too jerkish in the latter part) I rate this 7.5/10 I don´t recall any situation of her being out of character. Maybe boring at times and somewhat predictable because of her gain of confidence over the years but I don´t remember anything really atrocious that contradicts her personality. This episode actually went back to those old times when her insanity invaded her even though she has taken control over it and has kept the basic manners. There is not much to extract nor squeeze out of this episode honestly. I would point out two details if I had to say add something here: This aspect is minor but I ´ve got to mention how the writers are playing with the shipping names over the course of this episode when they paired the characters for the contest (Appledash, Twipie, Twiburst). This might lead to a shipper go absolutely crazy that the writers have played with their desires and have used the fan names without going into the route shippers had wanted in the first place. Between this,naming an episode "Stranger than Fanfiction" and the material that has heavily implied the fanbase (Slice of Life, Fame and Misfortune), this show has got away with it,passing from the real universe to theirs and make it as a canonical event. If they have handled this stuff correctly, I don´t know what else could challenge this franchise.