> I present to everybrony my first OC. Carrot Corn Betty. I sometimes ship her with Rainbow Dash and her favored food is Carrots
hold on, Dashfag. I know that you want to post and spam your religion as if you are the next messiah to illuminate this site but you are running way too fast. You are excited about endchan coming back and all of that but you still cannot clear the skies in ten seconds.
Let me put things clear here. The pony I posted >>/4558/ is not an OC, in fact, the pictures that come from Derpibooru show the tags and the thumbnail gives you an idea if that character is an OC or if it has an actual canon name.
That pony is a special one. Even people who weren´t fans at all nor watched the show whatsoever actually knew her name: Derpy Hooves. You can check her wiki if you want but basically, that pony became famous because of an error in the animation from the first episode, she wasn´t supposed to be like that (she was copy pasted pony that stayed in the background, serving as filler for the screen) but fans posted the hell out of her and her popularity skyrocketed to such huge levels that any appearance from her would cause a big reaction from the fans...
and it happened. She talked in this episode for the first time:
Besides "varied" reactions from the fanbase, they decided not to call her Derpy and just leave her without name. This video has her name mentioned and it´s the uncensored one before soccer moms and a few offended ones decided to complain that it was an insult to those people.
She disappeared from the map and she didn´t have any sort of relevance until a couple of seasons later with a permanent comeback.
I have written a pretty short summary and I´ll leave it at that for now.
Back to your post, you have certainly got right a couple of things for a newcomer who has no contact with the show:
> is autistic and doesn't hide it well
yes and that´s the main reason she was born and went from a copy pasted background character to a helpful secondary one that affects the events. She even saved Twilight Sparkle from turning into stone in the movie.... so yeah, that escalated a lot more than it should have been.
> ship her with Rainbow Dash
shipping doesn´t fit but I will tell that Rainbow Dash actually interacted with her in her first episode that Derpy had a voice.
As for the rest of your lines, either they are satire or you are simply disguising your views or descriptions about yourself.
> Thinks Derpibooru is amazing and can't believe how badly the weebs and furfags have lost the arms race
and I don´t know what you truly mean with this one between your intentions of comedy.