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Miscellaneous and random observations.

1) Security system is back! I'm surprised it still appears to be mostly in place. Especially with how Twilight's Seven ended. It's kinda funny that it was actually somewhat effective. Not in stopping them but in the fact that they actually had to think around it. They actually seemed intimidated by the fans. Was Shining right all along?  

2) I should've brought it up in the magic post. Notice how when Queen Chrysalis shape shifts into a royal guard she also has a full suit of armor and a badge? Got me thinking: did she turn part of her essence into those objects or did she just conjure it up along with her disguise. The rational explanation is the latter but I could see it being the former. 

3)It was cool that Twilight called back to A Trivial Pursuit 
I like it when call backs happen in season, especially to a minor episode. It's not something I want to happen too often because then it could feel a bit forced and be like they were trying to go for a more linear timeline and that'd hurt the coziness of some episodes but every once in awhile is a nice treat.

4)Speaking of callbacks. Spike was reading a certain comic again.

5)My other quip. Rarity's face in pic related. Though I don't think all the new faces are bad I can certainly understand those who were put off by them with faces like this. To be fair, I think I understand what they are trying to do as in it's Rarity from a slight angle so they don't show the default side view of the head. Well at least their not with do this season but in other seasons Rarity would have just gone back to a side view default. It's the higher budget thing to try to show different angles and different faces to depart from the normal flat circle head or side view but often times it leaves us with them turning the upper snout into what looks like a giant nose and that sometimes just looks kind of unappealing. I understand them wanting to try to put extra effort and imitate the movie but in cases like this I can see those who hate them and where they are coming from. 

6) Not related to the episode itself but I wonder if this is the last will see of the Villian team before the end. Haven't seen all the synopses but I know after Dragon Dropped and She Talks to Angle will be what.. 3 episodes away from the final? Yeah, not sure it'd make sense for them to have another solo, especially if they already have them set up for the endgame. Will see though but if they don't then I will be moderately disappointed that they didn't have a bit more of a presence this season.  

7) Discord knows. I wonder what his endgame will be in this? 
 Is he eating anything important or is that a cookie?