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> hold on, Dashfag. I know that you want to post and spam your religion as if you are the next messiah to illuminate this site but you are running way too fast. You are excited about endchan coming back and all of that but you still cannot clear the skies in ten seconds.
Carrots are enteral and I can clear them in 5 seconds.
> Let me put things clear here. The pony I posted >>/4558/ is not an OC
I know.
> That pony is a special one. Even people who weren´t fans at all nor watched the show whatsoever actually knew her name: Derpy Hooves.
I didn't know the backstory but I did know of Derpy. I thought her name was Derpy Doo and didn't have any idea anything else except she was a klutz or autistic. I don't know every detail but this isn't my first rodeo shitposting with you fags. Like any one of your fagdom's shiter OC she is merely a preexisting character with 1 thing changed. She's a carrot corn with carrot magic.
> shipping doesn´t fit but I will tell that Rainbow Dash actually interacted with her in her first episode that Derpy had a voice.
seems like they have good chemistry to me
> She even saved Twilight Sparkle from turning into stone in the movie.... so yeah, that escalated a lot more than it should have been.
Is she basically like Jar Jar Binks but liked?