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thumbnail of Blasphemous indie game.jpg
Blasphemous indie game jpg
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> I still like the image (and the cameo of Spain, which as a Texan I can totally relate to because we put Texas everywhere) and you could still go for a slightly rough style and make it work pretty well.
alright thanks. Just two aspects of the edit and we clear this topic out. The map of Spain wasn´t planned at all and I simply wanted to adjust the random lines that looked pretty ugly and random, hence you have felt that sense of cubism. While editing the middle of the picture, I was trying to modify it for a more consistent layer and I sort of made the north of my country. Then I joked myself about trying to see if I could do it just for fun and in the end, I wouldn´t finish this if I didn´t have its contours complete (the south and the west of it cost me a lot of corrections and clicks).

The other little sad fact is that I have tried that rough style and whatever I tried, I wasn´t convinced at all, nothing worked and I decided to consider this one as the final edit. I found no path to thrive nor any proper step to move forward and find something more interesting on top of it. 

In short, it´s the ending point because any other attempt would only lead to worse results than this.

> I recall people sometimes saying that a lot of pixel art is just laziness put under the shield of nostalgia
that´s a  pretty likely theory. However, pixel art can turn into an impressive tool if used properly just that the most popular cases end up in subpar results. Just like flash was for animation, the pixel artstyle is seen as the cheap one. However, flash has had its own success and appeal (MLP is one of its finest examples) while the latter has to make more efforts in order to become less infamous. 

> I do value things that are hand crafted 
it does require effort and some of its imperfections/eclecticisms are actually charming, Derpy came from a mistake of it by the way.

> I'm really an enemy of is ubiquity of one method or idea at the expensive of everything else (like Cloud Computing).
is this a metaphor about 3d in animation? or is it more a criticism towards one peculiar trend that everyone copies (like Dreamworks ripping off Shrek over and over)?