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> it seems ridiculous that a group of ponies who are preforming in what one would think is a very high honor would suddenly think its beneath them
we could have got an interesting plot entirely dedicated to it or even gen 5 could set up some plot devices because of this. Either way, you are right that they have changed their opinions too soon, especially Fire Flare

> Such a path of criticism isn't unfair all the time but to try to hold this show to a real world logical standard can be unfair based on the limits of it's medium as a 22 minute show that was originally meant to sell toys 
this shows how twisted the concept of combining three races of ponies living in a happy pinkish world could become so fucked up and become a tool of pure elitism and to its very extreme, outright racism of feeling superior towards what surround them,even if it leads to a greater purpose

I´ve had the feeling that writers could have lurked on /mlp/ about the UNICORN MASTER RACE! threads and became a reality into their own world. There are lots of ways to be meta towards the fandom but for sure, I would have to clean my eyes if this conflict was set up towards the fandom´s logic about the three races.

> Imagine some anon saying: "it makes no sense how quickly these ponies act in such a blind heard mentality in NuMLP, they should go back to simpler times! Sweet and Elite was comfy" in the same breath. 
oh don´t worry, they have already done that. I´ve lost my count about how a couple of vocal shitposters complained about this show not feeling like season 1 and/or season 2 before A Canterlot Wedding.

> Truth is, we have seen this dynamic before plenty of times, especially within the elite and upper class. 
eeeyup, but never in such a harsh/direct point of conflict (among other ones) and putting it on practice. It makes you feel that ponies are as equally easy to manipulate as humans. 

> You can still muster an argument against it in the form that within the show's universe preforming for the princesses would probably be the highest honor and the social hierarchy that is at play with them has the princess atop it.
sorry for justifying this with a real world logic but that implication only works for those who have signed their absolute royalty towards the country.This means that the military forces and those who are under oath will stand towards their superior ones instead of getting convinced for such an elitist idea of that kind. The rest could become traitors at any moment if they personally feel like abandoning their previous convictions.
> The others I think can get by with the excuse of the fact the based on the dialog with Crissy in disguise when she said they have no room for anypony else that it seems that the others are voluntary/second job over a full term career path.
fair enough, they are there for voluntary reasons but considering that they are seen such as background ponies, they mean nothing in comparison to the voice that speaks in the show.

> if we go by the show's logic more than likely Fire Flare special talent has something to do with performance since she is the one leading it and it still seems a bit much for the pony whose special talent and career maybe based on performance and art swayed against what her special talent is. 
you know that performances could be used for taking the power right? Just because she doesn´t have an implied cutie mark for gore stuff, it doesn´t mean that she could use performances for another leader whose such ideas could sound convincing to her.

> I didn't even get into how from a storytelling perspective with their 22 minute runtime how they have to have things be simple and quick at the expense of real world logic just to let the plot move along and so the kids can understand the message 
it did surprise me how they have implemented this topic for this format, but if that wasn´t enough, causing a conflict about it in such a short span of time. 

However, this is the show that has produced the Cutie Map...