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> Some of which probably won't be answered (who built it? Was it just made for Celestia and Luna?) and others that I'd think I will know by the end.
considering the surprises that this episode has delivered and the direction of this season, I lean towards the latter.

> Are they going to have Twilight take over lifting the sun and the moon too?
she already did the season 4 finale (without taking over of course)

> It'd be interesting if they did completely walk away from their cutie marks related jobs in terms of the lore of the show and how much it plays into everypony's life purpose
a down to earth life that sounds pretty interesting. I guess that the only canon thing that we are going to get is Between Dusk and Dawn. Celestia could probably become a teacher and Luna a mentor for the children,I suppose.

> This became something I basically regarded as cannon when Magical Mystery Cure came out but I haven't reexamined in years. 
yeah even though I personally don´t take that episode all that seriously because of its musical nature and its rushed production. It´s canon sure but I don´t really feel like taking it that seriously.  A Royal Problem did this as well and The Cutie Pox exaggerated it to such an overblown way that...well, Cutie Marks by themselves cause flexible plot devices that even some of them could lead to contradictory conclusions.

> Rainbow Dash is a magic user. 
> we've seen her using magic actively over passively and it's something that I need to go back and study over and see if their is any consistency with (other the obvious weather related stuff) or anything interesting that can be guessed on pegasus magic with RD and few more exotic we've seen other pegasi do more than fly and walk on clouds.
I suppose that´s the specialty that comes from her cutie mark. Keep in mind that all the ponies have magic (or magical energy) inside and the biggest justification that I have to back this up is Tirek. He sucks up and drains all the energy coming from their bodies so I suppose that´s why the three races gain their abilities (this leaves a grey area if flying could be seen as a magical or a technical feature for the pegasi though). Also, friendship is magic....this sounds redundant but considering what Rainbow Dash has had to go through, it´s no wonder that her character development has made her also more skilled at facing the problems that come from the weather.