thumbnail of 1873303- walk_through_the_sky_by_whiteskyline-dcqz4sz.png
thumbnail of 1873303- walk_through_the_sky_by_whiteskyline-dcqz4sz.png
1873303-... png
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thumbnail of 1873303 mobile + pc edit.jpg
thumbnail of 1873303 mobile + pc edit.jpg
1873303 mobile + pc... jpg
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so, I´ve been giving a few spins in my head and I think that we are using free software for these it would make sense to edit images that were created from a free tool...

this means that I should reconsider the comeback to the SFM models, making them a little bit more peculiar and focus on experimentation without having as many fears as I would feel while editing a high quality hand-drawn picture.

This one (pic related) was the beginning and it didn´t go right at all, let´s see if I can go further than that...

because, what could possibly go wrong with 3d models of this kind? 

We´ll see it  in the next Dragon Ball Z episode