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Well, after almost 20 months of its creation, I couldn´t read what I had typed entirely on mobile during that morning (from 7 AM to almost 10AM). Looking back to it and giving a little bit of time because of how Bridgefag called me out about the drop of fanfics in his /go/ thread >>/4644/, I´ve decided to check exactly where those words of mine were located and I thought I would have that answer from here (to an extent, they somewhat imply those conclusions). Anyway, from >>/656/ to >>/667/ appear my confessional thoughts about this fandom and while I considered these posts somewhat cringy to myself, I still cannot disown them because they are still present. What could be seen as autistic is that I needed a place where I could expose everything and let all that out, my mind was asking to express itself and I had a huge lack of confidence back then because I saw this place as hostile because of how little it is. If there is anyone: any lurker, any shitposter, any stranger....whoever that person is that manages to read these posts, you´d better get ready because while it´s still biased (asking for objectivity is impossible), it carries a really dark tone. These are really but really NAKED and RAW thoughts about the brony fanbase. You won´t find such bold sentences from my mouth together trying to tell a story with them. In retrospective, I am warning to you that I still hold those words but keep in mind that when something goes really emotionally driven from me, it goes wild and this represents the finest example of it. I´ve learned that there are other mediums to express myself (see the two fanfics from here, edits, reviews, ideas for board content, etc...) instead of blogging and looking like an attention whore at first, but it´s where most of the inspirations come in and have driven a few things forward from this place. I am certainly overwhelmed at my own self and how I managed to post something of this kind back then. However, there are two little aspects are going to be kept eternally form my part: > Nothing is planned and I can't promise anything.... this statement will be heard multiple times from my part and I have been putting on practice since I came here. > I cannot speak for anyone but myself and this over here. I don´t recommend to see my views as a golden standard nor agree 100% to what I say. I point out these two lines because not only of its timeless spirit, but more like an universal lesson for anyone who uses the imageboard format (or even certain things of life as well) in general as if their rules weren´t clear enough. And now, I am replying to Bridgefag´s answer (after a year and a half) that I couldn´t read back in the day. Better late than never, I suppose.