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>>/668/ > You know what, I'm had a rambling wall of text and I do't want to derail this thread. now that I have decided to revive it because of your /go/ thread, you can actually expose them. Maybe those original thoughts won´t come as such bt more or less tell where you were going for. I wasn´t ready to hear them at the time, I wouldn´t have replied to you and my mind wasn´t ready because I felt like I left a mess of attention-whorism (if that word makes sense). Nowadays, I feel like hearing them properly now that I have experienced diverse things over here. > let me say this: I do agree that a lot of people at the time saw it as a joke, or were trend riders who didn't actually care of the show, though I don't quite take as far as you. I admit that I went really extreme and I sort of like needed to relieve my brain. I was certainly fed up of /mlp/´s shitposts about the spam of the golden era. I had that really dark tone about its fake spirit but like you say (and you are one of them), a proportion of it has stayed loyal until the very end and one appreciates that. > There was some I remember myself included who used to watch each ep with actually care, as in not as a joke even back then, woundering what various one off lines and implicatios could mean though Celestia certainly wasn't a Tyrant, there was some subtexts and implications that could be made from those early eps that were not too far a stretch into just stupid theory nonsense well look at that, you have justified yourself why the number of fics has been dropping. I was going to comment in your /go/ thread that the numbers of fanfics hasn´t only declined because of the fanbase, it´s also (and most importantly) because the fans cannot make any headcanons about the characters. They felt like archetypes and the fanbase had to speculate about every little thing because of how few episodes there were at the time so they invented and wrote fics about their personalities, each fan had a very different interpretation from any other one, they were personally implied. Nowadays, the fanfics don´t work around that concept of background ponies, they consist in writing the existent established characters, lore and the worldbuilding that gen 4 has left down the road. The fanbase has to pay attention to the show itself in order to write anything sort of acceptable for gen 4 standards, based on something that has occurred on the show. This requires effort and time. One fan can write a random story at anytime but it won´t be taken seriously but if one wants to go further, watching the show becomes essential and not all the fanbase has done that. That trend can change over the years because we will all know gen 4 and there are no hiatuses nor further speculations towards its world that hasn´t been already done. That´s the main difference and my analysis about that downhill trend in the yearly numbers.