thumbnail of 1992943__safe_artist-colon-shu-dash-jeantte_nightmare+moon_alicorn_armor_female_flying_mare_night_pony_solo_spread+wings_wings.jpg
thumbnail of 1992943__safe_artist-colon-shu-dash-jeantte_nightmare+moon_alicorn_armor_female_flying_mare_night_pony_solo_spread+wings_wings.jpg
1992943__saf... jpg
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> Looks slightly nicer. Colors look a little richer. I dig it. 
alright perfect even though I still keep that both make not much difference between each other, unlike the following ones.

> Brighter is better with this. The translucent effect on the mane looks especially nice with it a bit more vivid. 
eeeyup. By the way,I forgot to mention that I modified very slightly the contrast and not only brightness is involved but there´s more clarity. In this case, these adjustments play a more important role (still in a subtle way)

> Though I think overall the model itself is actually pretty good and the slight edit shows its strength. Her mane and tail look like jello, but they don't feel stiff like some other models where the princesses mane's look like rubber balloons. 

yeah, that model must have been recent or an updated version. Looking at the serial number, you can tell that it´s appeared much later than the first ones and it has a pretty good score (not over 100 upvotes but something close to them). I was wondering for a little while if this image was actually SFM for a little while.

> This looks like the best if your objective is transformation.
my last Luna edit tried to convey that and you mentioned over here  >>/4533/, it looked too much like a 3d asset. So yeah, my idea was to go for the heavy editing until getting the feeling of 3d, even if the background shows a lot of brightness. 

> feels like a hybrid between one of those models and the comic style (I guess one might say it looks like cell shading) but it's an order of magnitude better than that dull puke green model.
while posting the "descriptive story", I didn´t consider the style of the DBZ games but as I couldn´t remove the shadows, they become like the only elements that could give you a clue that this is a 3d model. 

> Parts of the image look really well, especially the clouds. The main giveaway is the mane and the platform she is standing on which look in parts clearly CGI. It's visually confusing and I like it, though  >>/4631/ (you) is the most well executed. 
well, I didn´t think that you would end up liking the Pharynx´s one the most. Before posting these 5 pictures, I thought this one would stand out even though I admit that the mane would be the main 3d element to point out. I don´t know if cutting the platform would make the image more awkward or more convenient though.

> Other than the stiff pose it looks pretty good. 
it had 18 upvotes and unlike  >>/4630/, you cannot expect much from these models even though....

> Almost whimsical in spirit. It makes me feel strangly happy... if that make sense.
I would like to know why it makes you think like that. I will admit that I forgot that Nightmare Moon could bring villainy vibes on this one for a while and looks more like an impish character with that face.

> It actually inspired me a little (though I haven't acted on anything with that bit of inspiration yet).
oh, that´s a nice thing to hear.

> If it's something that isn't too private than I'm all ears. 
I will reveal other personal thoughts for other works/posts. 
For this one, I meant to describe the working process in order to get to this result. Basically I am showing to you the steps of how I reached that picture and probably, you are going to like more the middle of the road content than the final result. 

Let´s see if I can expose everything properly without getting into a mess.