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So after almost 6 months since this fic has been published/posted over here, I think that I should review or give my personal comments towards this piece of fiction. Review of: The Mare in the Mountain (Bridgefag, April 2019) So, in this fic, unlike the original Cadencebat fic in which she had to hide her entity and falling into corruption as something appealing to her, Cadence here is shown as a more "mystical" creature than usual. The Revolution fic went to some confusing and extraordinary settings that were highly related to political movements/strategies that despite its proper context into this world, it needs a few tries and a little bit more of effort from the reader in order to see how it follows a cohesive logic and progression. However, The Mare in the Mountain doesn´t rely on real life elements except for justifying a plot device and a motif for moving the plot forward >>/3856/ (hipster/anti/poor art that kind of points out the sense of art from society´s standards, even though the editing thread could be a reason to bring this topic on the table). So by leaving reality aside, this fanfic is much more straight forward than the Revolution fic and it introduces (with more additions to her transformation) the Mare in the Mountain with a clearer idea of how she is than the original Cadencbat fic. It´s as certainly confusing for the reader why she is called like that at first as as one gets to know that the actual Princess Cadence has earned a second life of fame. I am not going to say that this fanfic would work as complete canon because there are aspects from it that obviously prevent from having this dark direction. Nonetheless, the funny dialogue between the CMC before meeting Cadence, the fact that this story advances through a dream, the attempts at justifying its context (Luna could be the one manipulating the dream for Apple Bloom, the inspiration that Apple Bloom had that could have come from Cherilee´s lectures in the school), the recurrent drawings that become relevant in order to transmit a message through the story, etc; all of that could have perfectly fit for a standard story of MLP. It´s indeed the closest effort from yours that actually makes you feel like this story could have taken place in its universe, the gen 4 reader will feel at home while reading it, so that´s a noteworthy improvement in the storytelling part.