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> yeah, it goes through the message of empathy, understanding each other´s lives by living them by experience for a short while. The closest episode that shares this plot device is A Royal Problem where both princesses changed their cutie marks and jobs.

Very good comparison.

> the time strains and the fact that the mane 6 have had like 2 or 3 jobs at the same time has been executed by raising a few questions and some sort of constant inconsistency for that matter. I wonder how they distribute their time and are able to work for all they want to do.

The others I think the school is what breaks the camels back is the school. otherwise you still make somewhat an excuse for Rarity is managing a growing business but also has underlings and by this point can afford not to do custom orders at this point, so in some ways she may actually have more free time. Twilight Sparkle, outside of some ceremonial duties, whole purpose is (at least for now) the princess of friendship. The other mane5 and her have to maintain a friendship and they keep playing up the fact that all six will would rule, hanging out with her friends is part of her job. Apple Jack is already a bit pushing it with how often she traveled and how sometimes they showed how much work was in the farm, but it was still wasn't completely inexcusable (you could say that she had more free time in non harvest season and that she hasn't been usually away that long). With the school however is what puts a real strain on this lifestyle.   Rainbow Dash maybe the best example.  She a Wonderbolt, a head weathermare for a small town and unspecified area around it. still adventures/regularly travels with the mane6 . And somehow still has enough time to make join in a myriad of small town events, keep active in at least 1 fandom, and vacation with Granny Smith at the same time. This is all with the added burden of being a teacher.

> indeed, that flaw that has been kept since the debut of said school.....for now

I don't know how'd they suddenly introduce that as a element this late. Unless you are hinting at something from a future episode that haven't seen yet.

> I am implying that she has used the stare in order to intimidate them and obey her rules. Taking them as "rational" creatures, I uppose that they stay there as some sort of contract for doing what they are doing even though it manipulates their own nature. Kind of like domesticated animals when they aren´t all that conventional in the real world.

You know that could work. Ponies are arguably bending the natures natural course. Just a bit better then we humans are. Then again I think magic needs to be included in this analysis. But I have other things to get too...

> it´s still an utopia to some extent, my question about rationality confirms that these established rules are undefined yet special to its universe.

I will be back on this topic too.