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> it feels very organic and realistic of a young kid to grow out of a crush like that.
it was simply bound to happen. Hence I cannot rate this episode lower than a 7, the characters here have been written properly without acting out of what we expect from them.

> she's in character enough, she's been way worse in her pettiness and her selfish side.
eeeyup, in fact, Inspiration Manifestation actually shows those extremes even though for the most time she was possessed by a spell.

> I got a bit of a kick out of her being suddenly so possessive on Spike.
> Rarity's fondness for him seems very equal, as if he wasn't a child. It feels slightly off to me.
this is quite possibly the most questionable part of this episode: the plot device used for this story. How is she that she is acting more possesive than usual? I get her actions of jealousy after she meets Gabby but I think that the technical problems (unrelated to the ship discussion) arise from this detail. I´ve seen more questionable plot devices than this but it´s still pretty noticeable and it´s no wonder that one raise some questions about this.

> Organically as a child losing a crush without much fan fare feels pretty realistic but the problem comes from a plot standpoint.
that´s the thing. The episode itself does make sense when it comes to its own development, the problem is when you enter into muddy waters that the community implied in an exaggerated manner. 

> It rarely came up as more than a gag and even in Spike and Rarity episodes outside of Secret of My Excess it was just there without changing its status much. Yes, Rarity and Spike's friendship evolved, but not the crush. 
exactly. I mean, where do you find the signs of it? One shipper could claim about those gags but when the writers had to handle them together in a full story (Secret of My Excess, Inspiration Manifestation, the dragonlands episodes...), they develop universal values of friendship and those quick gags become absolutely irrelevant when those important moments/lessons happen to them. 

> Sparity would make hard to happen without being kinda creepy
the writers respond: Hold my beer, how about a griffon?(to an extent).

> My thoughts on the best way to end it would be to have it fully tackled with Spike being the one learning the lesson that he couldn't be with her and it changing fully to a healthy friendship.
not a bad ending at all, in fact, it would have completed the circle for both sides (the show and the fanbase). But...

> I'm not sure I'm willing to call it a bad ending having Spike just simply grow out of it isn't offensively bad and makes sense with real world logic.
the one that we´ve got isn´t a bad one either. I mean, Spike has had lots of other things going on for him (diplomacy with Thorax and Ember, helping Twilight in general with the school and her issues, his friendships with Discord and Big Mac, his fame in the Crystal Empire) and because of that lesser amount of time, he has only stayed as the favorite assistant for Rarity´s plans in her business.  I don´t know,all of this might sound somewhat unrelated to the answer but I find that the existence of new happenings in his life has made him change in his personal preferences. 

> Spike itself acknowledging it/the episode being about Spike realizing that he doesn't have a thing for Rarity would be a far cooler plot point! 
that could have served as well but I guess they wanted to introduce a secondary character in order to give her a place/excuse to make her relevant.