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> IDK what to say but Gabby befriending Spike isn't something that would come to mind yet felt so natural to me. Heck, Gabby felt more realized as a character then most the Student 6. 
considering that she is mostly an independent character that hasn´t needed an awkward introduction such a school out of built out of nowhere, one gets a different sense towards her presence. She has had two episodes but it´s really easy to notice her optimistic chill out attitude. Not all the students have had time to flesh out properly for an entire episode (Ocellus is the prime example). It´s truly relative honestly, I have had more or less those thoughts towards Silverstream´s brother as well (both gave themselves a brofist in the Last Crusade ironically enough)

> I also think the POV should be on Spike not Rarity for both storytelling and the purposes of a stronger more powerful lesson. Problem is I never was invested in Sparity. 
me neither so I haven´t felt a great urge to make it important or huge about a ship of this kind.

> Yet it is still as something they ran with that I think you can make a case they could still have acknowledged better then this. 
even though there is always room for improvement. It doesn´t scream anything that makes you go "WOW!" nor this episode has a great impact to discuss about it deeply. 

> Sometimes it looks alright and other times it looks kinda weird.
I am still undecided towards these faces, I don´t give all that much of a thought but damn, they are asking for meme material from the fanbase. I believe that Celly is still the worst offender in this aspect though.

> Perhaps that would've been a topic to explore too yet I could see objections from the fact that such dynamic could be against the very theme of the show depending how they went with it and what was implied.
wait for it because what you are mentioning will hit in other subjects....I´ll let that sink in.

> though its no big an issue as Scootaloo's parents. I have been debating to myself. 
fortunately enough, Gabby was an established character with a charismatic attitude, she hasn´t appeared out of nowhere and her appearance was well justified unlike Scoot´s parents who looked like fanfic OCs. It´s not that bad but still, I hope that I don´t get to discuss these muddy topics anymore (who would have thought that this kids show could give a headache or two for analyzing it?) unless it´s about the finale. 

> think of ways to look upon it that make it seem quite poor in how they handled it. Feels like pic related.
as I say, there is always room for improvement but I cannot complain much to what we´ve got.  I am actually bothered that I am not overwhelmed at all by those math operations/signs from that picture.

> Working on getting to'em. Been a bit busy with stuff.
same as well for me during these last two days. I still have to reply a couple of posts from Fluttershy´s episode but I think that I am ending this right here tonight.

Goodnight /endpone/.