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>>/4693/ > I already know from what little I know of one of the episodes there is another premise like that all the way. eeeyup, you have probably watched it at this point > you could make the case that they wasted some opportunity by having average B team episode plots and sometimes ignoring certain plot elements they introduced in the past depends on the criteria and the expectations that one has for these episodes. As I don´t expect anything save the material itself, I haven´t spent my time on it. > for me so far I've actually enjoyed this season more than season 8 and though I think they perhaps could have done more won't be able to judge fully yet till it's over at some moments but remember I'd rather have it solid then overcrowded! indeed, better leave things when the fans don´t feel so oversaturated by ponies. At least,gen 4 remains untouched and closes the book without any chance of ruining it in the future. I didn´t ask for much save for solid material and ending this gen with a good note in general so you can tell that I am pleased because not all the series keep their quality over the years. >>/4692/ > Unless you are hinting at something from a future episode that haven't seen yet. the school backstory, I cannot explain it all that much except for introducing the characters that Hasbro ordered to the staff. About the mane 6 being busy by this, I can´t still figure out how they have found all this time to organize themselves and as you say, the time constraints should have been a plot device in the last season even though the Fluttershy episode won´t stay there alone in this aspect. It will have more impact in another episode... > Ponies are arguably bending the natures natural course. Just a bit better then we humans are. Then again I think magic needs to be included in this analysis. it´s kind of complicated to imply these headcanons to a general rule. Let´s say that Fluttershy handles them the best but I suppose that magic can serve as an element of writing these little holes in Equestria´s logic and how much the rules fit for the episodes. > I think the school is what breaks the camels back is the school. oh the sweet irony. > Rainbow Dash maybe the best example. She a Wonderbolt, a head weathermare for a small town and unspecified area around it. still adventures/regularly travels with the mane6 . And somehow still has enough time to make join in a myriad of small town events, keep active in at least 1 fandom, and vacation with Granny Smith at the same time. This is all with the added burden of being a teacher. fair enough, she does have a consistent responsibility in comparison to the rest along with those tasks and hobbies. It´s quite crazy to think that Rainbow was seen as lazy jerk at certain moments in the early seasons yet one wonders how she has been able to keep up with this rhythm. > you still make somewhat an excuse for Rarity is managing a growing business but also has underlings and by this point can afford not to do custom orders at this point, so in some ways she may actually have more free time. that could be a good theory. I mean, despite her expansions in Canterlot and Manehatten, she has assigned her workers so this means that she can simply stay in Ponyville and check those shops every now and then. > Apple Jack is already a bit pushing it with how often she traveled and how sometimes they showed how much work was in the farm, but it was still wasn't completely inexcusable (you could say that she had more free time in non harvest season and that she hasn't been usually away that long). With the school however is what puts a real strain on this lifestyle. fortunately enough, I don´t think that AJ is going to be all that stressed for the school anymore. I do believe that Twilight has invested more time than AJ because of the direction about the school. I could reply more to this but part of your speculations are fortunately answered. Also, you thought Flutterbat was scary enough, then you might hold your breath for this ""character""