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A Horse Shoe In

This episode was in the good to excellent tier for me. The whole dynamic with Dolores still being shown to be under a little pressure with her (soon to increase) duties at the friendship school and her friendship with Trixie was a good way to facilitate her temptation for cronyism was perfect and that it was established in a previous episode more so. I liked the selection process and though the candidates certainly confused me. Time Tuner was the only one that fit. I still liked the whole selection process and the attics with it (Big Mac talking to the parents especially gave me a laugh). I wondered why they didn't have Sun Burst there as a candidate but I can understand why they saved him for the end and he would probably be the best fit. Overall pretty enjoyable.

8.5/10 is my rating. 

Other notes:
I don't understand any in universe explanation for why ponies like Big Mac and Octavia would be interested in the job. I suppose for the former it could be something like wanting to work where his sister works and perhaps not realizing how big of a job it could be. Octavia I can't think of any out of the top of my head and seems pretty random though her almost wining it before realizing how it would affect her music career was pretty interesting and and is a feather in her cap as a feat.

Twilight Sparkle prepping for the transition of power was also a nice background dynamic. It gave the episode a sense of the nearing end. Though I wonder how it must feel to have to abandon the school you just got going good. Even if I think the school was somewhat thematically questionable it was still Twily reaching the height of what would be her personal goals. I'll probably have ore to say on this after the final.

Remember Trixie's teliportation/summoning feat. I have something to say later on that too.