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Daring Doubt.

This one I doubted a bit. Something felt a little off but I couldn't put my hoof on why. The whole Daring Do as a real person always confused me and me trying to apply logic to imagining how that worked in universe. Once again we see the dynamic of ponies rapidly turning against somepony with little hesitation. It is something that annoys me a little bit but as I've said before I'm not sure how much I can really go after it since that dynamic has been the show since season 1. Still, one would think that, even if their would be some that are angry, there would be just as many who would freak out that the hero that they idolize is actually real (if they even believe the book in the first place.) I also wasn't really sure at first what they where doing by lightly deconstructing Daring Do/Indiana Jones the genre while at the same time not messing with the whole meta concept of their existence within their own world. My views have softened some because looking after thinking about it they did in a way mess with that was possibly pretty cleaver. Daring Do is a character who writes her own stories, the normal hero who you only get their POV. Than the villain comes along and writes his own and throws things out of whack with his POV, which one wouldn't normally see (or at least that's what everyone says who makes stuff like this now) Overall I liked the whole dynamic with Fluttershy and Dr. Caballeron team. It almost feels like their is an essence of something cleaver with the moral and the dynamic of storybooks but I don't feel it was brought to what it could be in either symbolism with that meta dynamic and/or the moral's usefulness. Stopping, listening to each other isn't bad, but I feel like their could've made it more related to the books directly or used a slightly different moral as that one could be more useful in other contexts. 

Overall, I could see some hating this one. From either everypony being redeemed and therefore making Daring Do not a hero fighting bad ponies to just everypony having a misunderstanding and perhaps all being a little in the wrong to varying degrees to not feeling fully fleshed out as it could be. Though for me. I don't think I hate it. The episode's main purpose was less so any sort of meta commentary as it was just to bring back the whole Daring Do storyline one more time and and give it a bit of a wrap up. The adventure was still fun and this was certainly a better to have Dash in one more staring roll besides being an cheer leading couch. I think this could be more realized and I still have a slight offness with it but it still gave us one last visit and a cute happy ending. I don't know what the future holds for the final but for if they do go a bittersweet or somehow sad  which would be insane  route than I think I'll like a happy ending here even more so.