First of all I want to start of with the premise of my story and how I originally came up with it. My story is set in the Fall of Equestria universe, a universe in which Equestria is taken over by an EXTREMELY patriarchal race of Caribou/Reindeer, who seek to turn Equestria into a patriarchal dystopia in which mares are regard as little more than sexual objects. For the mares of this Equestria rape, slavery, torture, and humiliation are all daily occurrences that they have absolutely no hope of escaping. Virtually every stallion wether he be Caribou/Reindeer or Pony in this universe is a sex crazed sociopath with at least one or more mares/slaves who must follow his every command, without question, no matter how cruel or degrading, least she be punished.
My story asks one simple question. What if every stallion in this universe wasn’t a complete sociopath, who cares about nothing but obtaining as much pussy as possible, regardless of how many ponies he has to destroy? In every fan fiction I’ve read that revolves this universe literally every stallion is a complete sociopath who will do just about anything to a mare with absolutely no regard for her as a pony. This isn’t to say that every stallion is on a constant spree of rape and torture, (although many are) it’s just that none of them have any moral quarrels about occasionally raping one of mare or even beating. To them mares really are nothing more than objects to be used at their discretion. I personally find the idea that every stallion would act in such a manner to pure nonsense, which is why my story revolves around one of the few stallions who wishes to treat mares as ponies, and not sexual objects.
This stallion was an extremely influential noble prior to Equestrias fall who was lucky enough to be kept alive and used as a puppet in the ruling government. His position isn’t anywhere near as prestigious as it once was, but it’s far more than can be said of most of Equestrias prior nobles. He lives within Canterlot Castle in his own private room, and has near full reign of the castles grounds and services, so long as he doesn’t step out of line. Ever since the Fall he has watched on in horror as every pillar of decency and morality in his society has came tumbling down, too scared to protest, least he become the next victim of this new Equestria.
He had always tried to stay quite and do the bare minimum of what had to be done to keep himself alive and well off, but that all ended when he locked eyes with one mare, Octavia. He meets Octavia at a small garden concert where he finds himself enchanted by the soft sound of her cello. After each performance every mare is trotted out onto stage individually, and made to present themselves for rent to the crowd of hungry stallions. Just like any other concert shortly after showing herself off Octavia is bought up by young stallion, but this time rather than being rented out, she’s been permanently bought.
Octavia expecting to be treated by this stallion just she’s been treated by any other since the Fall, has to get over her conditioning, and hopefully one day view said stallion as a stallion, rather than an abuser or rapist, and herself as a mare, rather than a cheap slut. And the stallion has to struggle to act like a proper gentlecolt, treating Octavia not only as a mare, but as the marefriend he intends to swear his undying love to, in a world that expects the exact opposite of him. Any stallion in this world that is overly sympathetic to mares, especially those who try to completely shelter them from the hell-scape that Equestria has become in this regard are viewed as no better than the mares they sympathise with, and are therefore neutered and treated as such, along with their mare(s) being treated to even worse atrocities than before. Essentially in this world, while lust between mares and stallions has never been more powerful, love is completely outlawed.