I plan to break all of this into four main arches. The first arch will setup the basic plot, backstory, introduce some of the main characters, and expand a little on the lore of the world, as well as being the arch where our two main characters first meet. This arch will also revolve around Octavia and many of the mares she works alongside careers as professional classic musicians, and of course, as sex slaves, completely merciless to their owner or owners of the night. While this arch will mainly focus on Octavia, our stallion of choices daily life in Canterlot Castle as seemingly the only stallion in Equestria with any reverence towards mares will also get a few generous paragraphs.

The second arch will begin as soon our stallion buys Octavia and brings  her back to his room. This will mainly revolve both of our characters relationship with one another, and breaking down some of the expectations that they have both become so accustomed to in this strange new Equestria. Octavia will not only have learn to act and most importantly view herself as the dignified, well cultured intelligent, and beautiful mare she once was, rather than the cum dumpster that would obediently and happily spread her hind legs and rise her tail for any number of stallions to runt her various holes at will that she had became, she would also have trust her master, and begin to view him more as a lover, than a slave peddler. With the stallion being given the difficult task of setting up these expectations, and then delivering on them, under the threat of slavery and emasculation if anypony were to even suspect that he wasn’t treating his mare as a virtual sex toy.

The third Arch will begin sometime around when these two get past their prejudices, start to form their loving relationship, and Octavia learns to view herself as the mare she once was. While some aspects of this may blend into the later half of the second arch, this one will mainly revolve the breaking of trust, as the world they live in begins to truly try on their relationship. Octavia will slowly begin to find out that her lover wasn’t acting much better than any other stallion while he was outside of their room, and she will eventually face such abuse and humiliation first hoof, as her stallion tries to balance his deep love for her, with his paranoia of not keeping up expectations and therefore being found out, which can lead him willingly into some pretty abhorrent situations. He will have to find a way to justify, and make up for his previous actions to the mare he cares about so deeply, while continuing to carry them out, to keep up appearances.

The final act will revolve around the growing suspicion towards him and Octavia. And said suspicion will force both characters to compensate, by willingly, and occasionally even being forced into extremely harsh and degrading situations to prove themselves as being no different, and no less deviant than anypony else around them. Both characters will essentially be forced to drop all of the development and strife they went through, to degrade themselves further than ever and become exactly what they were trying to escape, just to survive. Although everything they went through wasn’t futile, as for whenever they’re in their room they can freely express their love for each other, learning to leave whatever happens on the other side of that door where it belongs.

Also, post horse pussy, please. (I tried, but I keep getting an error whenever I try to post an image. Worked with the OP, doesn’t work with normal posts for whatever reason.) >>/4725/