thumbnail of 2143984 The good nap for the afternoon, a pony of culture right here..jpeg
thumbnail of 2143984 The good nap for the afternoon, a pony of culture right here..jpeg
2143984 The good nap... jpeg
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so, having watched A Horse Shoe In, I think I should add a few comments or observations towards this episode but while it doesn´t reach the top quality like On The Road To Friendship, it truly shows that these two characters do really have great antics for any single episode in which they appear together. 

Has there ever been a bad episode with these two as protagonists? Definitely not and this episode is no exception to that norm. 

> this episode was in the good to excellent tier for me.
indeed, not top 5 material but still it´s a real solid effort that one can a few genuine laughs from it. It doesn´t really need many words to justify the charm that these two show together.

> was a good way to facilitate her temptation for cronyism was perfect and that it was established in a previous episode more so.
the episode that you are talking about might All Bottled Up. It didn´t require a test but still Dolores was mad of Trixie´s irresponsibility about the map of harmony. 

> though the candidates certainly confused me
well, it certainly proved that Spoiled Rich holds that name for very good reasons and why one wouldn´t like to have her as a mother. For those who want to got until the last cent, go for her advice but for other things, you´d better avoid her.

> I still liked the whole selection process and the attics with it (Big Mac talking to the parents especially gave me a laugh).
well, those characters were put in order to show those moments. Notonly I liked that moment but how sympathetic were both Dolores and Big Mac after that mess happened, how they agreed that he didn´t fit for that position. 

I have found myself laughing more at how Trixie was proud of her idiosyncrasy and her ego for the history class (like not needing those lessons to reach her position, wow that was a complete rebel move for avoiding knowledge and culture) and how she argued with Grandpa Gruff....and he deserved it (I am not going to deny that)

> I suppose for the former it could be something like wanting to work where his sister works and perhaps not realizing how big of a job it could be.
maybe she doesn´t spend as much time as one could imply but either way, that´s a nice justification of his appearance as a candidate. (he can talk though, just that he does it for more personal/intimate matters)

> I wondered why they didn't have Sun Burst there as a candidate but I can understand why they saved him for the end and he would probably be the best fit. 
he was the obvious pick and I wondered why he wasn´t called for such tests but he fit for the resolution instead....and that was a smart writing move honestly. It shows that Dolores didn´t go for the favoritism route at first glance.

> 8.5/10 

> seems pretty random though her almost wining it before realizing how it would affect her music career was pretty interesting and and is a feather in her cap as a feat.
well,I didn´t expect her comeback and delivering a defined context for her retirement but I suppose that the writing staff put her again as a recurrent character just like Derpy with the post office (she hasn´t had any spoken lines since Slice of Life, I think)

> I wonder how it must feel to have to abandon the school you just got going good. Even if I think the school was somewhat thematically questionable it was still Twily reaching the height of what would be her personal goals.
it´s somewhat weird but when you reach a higher responsibility, you simply trust on others to follow you path, not to mention that she has written the manual for every single thing for running this school (just in case Dolores/Sunburst need it for a specific problem)

> Remember Trixie's teliportation/summoning feat.
about that, this is the pony that didn´t know how to use the spells properly and now, she is using it at pretty considerable level. From using the teleport spell for teacups to little ecosystems, that looks like a big stretch.