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> one would think that, even if their would be some that are angry, there would be just as many who would freak out that the hero that they idolize is actually real 
yeah, especially the younger ones who cannot control their emotions even though there are some adults who can go even further with that fanatism. It´s like everything that happens in this life honestly

> My views have softened some because looking after thinking about it they did in a way mess with that was possibly pretty cleaver
this is why I see her as a really useful plot device for the writers to introduce other things. It bends between fiction and reality that there are even more factors or variables that can go to wildly different directions depending on where the authors want to go. 

> Than the villain comes along and writes his own and throws things out of whack with his POV, which one wouldn't normally see (or at least that's what everyone says who makes stuff like this now)
well....that´s not all new nor has come out of nowhere. Didn´t Daring Done mark an argument between Daring Do´s infamy because of Caballeron´s point of view shown to the citizens that lived in the desert? 

> I don't feel it was brought to what it could be in either symbolism with that meta dynamic and/or the moral's usefulness. Stopping, listening to each other isn't bad, but I feel like their could've made it more related to the books directly or used a slightly different moral as that one could be more useful in other contexts.
I have the interpretation that the books stopped mattering as soon as other influences came into their plot. The book´s basics have to work but it serves as the base for their logic to exist. However, the guilty of this radical change is Fluttershy because she doesn´t only change Caballeron´s attitude or his team, she changes the trajectory of A.K Yearling and has made Ahuizotl to have an interest into writing his memories. If these three characters went into usual stuff, then everything would go by the book but when someone else distorts even the flutter of a butterfly, the results might not end as you would expect. Rainbow Dash does this to an extent but the actual narrator who tells the story she wants, it´s Fluttershy.

> I could see some hating this one. From either everypony being redeemed and therefore making Daring Do not a hero fighting bad ponies to just everypony having a misunderstanding and perhaps all being a little in the wrong to varying degrees to not feeling fully fleshed out as it could be. 
eeeyup. It might look confusing (even more with such a huge explosion of leaks at the end of this gen, with two characters redeemed) but I do believe that those who didn´t like the process of turning her into someone real, might not have had much patience for this episode either.

> The episode's main purpose was less so any sort of meta commentary as it was just to bring back the whole Daring Do storyline one more time and and give it a bit of a wrap up.

> it still gave us one last visit and a cute happy ending. I don't know what the future holds for the final but for if they do go a bittersweet or somehow sad which would be insane route than I think I'll like a happy ending here even more so. 
yeah but I think that the finale is in another league in comparison to the low key slice of life episodes that end with The Big Mac Question. What can we expect from the last three episodes of this gen? Certainly not boring content.