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>>/4725/ >>/4726/ >>/4727/ > reads synopsis of story. 2 kinky 4 me. Well... uh... that sounds far from anything that I could get through, but still cool that you posted thread and I'll try to give feed back to what is here so far to best of my ability. > In every fan fiction I’ve read that revolves this universe literally every stallion is a complete sociopath who will do just about anything to a mare with absolutely no regard for her as a pony. This isn’t to say that every stallion is on a constant spree of rape and torture, (although many are) it’s just that none of them have any moral quarrels about occasionally raping one of mare or even beating. To them mares really are nothing more than objects to be used at their discretion. I personally find the idea that every stallion would act in such a manner to pure nonsense, which is why my story revolves around one of the few stallions who wishes to treat mares as ponies, and not sexual objects. So your trying to put a slight rational spin to a universe you consider irrationally depraved? Never heard of Fall of Equestria but it could still be treading a bit of new ground in a slightly higher tier way. Think of a Conversion Bureau fic that just has thee humans win (simple subversion sometimes to the opposite extreme) to a fic with a pony human conflict actually has nuance most in my opinion even here still mess up the rational implications of their exist to each other but that's a topic for another time . Your putting a bit of nuance even if it's small, so that'd be a plus in my opinion. > (I tried, but I keep getting an error whenever I try to post an image. Worked with the OP, doesn’t work with normal posts for whatever reason.) Was it a 500 flood detected error? If you're on a ip that has to be block bypassed or on tor/i2p there is a 2 minuet waiting period between when can you post with images and that doesn't affect text posting. Well, sometimes, sometimes I have gotten when with text but normally I do. Otherwise it could just be endchan freaking out again, though I haven't had any problems since the last migration.