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> I was gearing up to drop the one and half projects that I had ready before the end. They didn't have much to do with the end but my plan was to just do one more thing before the show formally kicked off even if I wouldn't even talk about it till after we absorbed the final.
hey, go ahead if you want because I have no problems at all except for the fact that I might not give it a proper attention or replies to comment about it with justice at the time because of having a preference towards the canon content first. 

> Do you want me to hold off? 
I didn´t mean to apply that statement towards /endpone/ but more about the mindset that we´ll have to deal with for the next reviews, diving into a pretty different (and wild) territory.

My lines were intended to express a sense of facing a point of no return so that whatever slice of life discussion might be left for these "low-key" episodes and stay forgotten or become more irrelevant in comparison to these three last episodes (loaded of content and/or questions). I wasn´t aiming at the rest of the threads but more like keeping an eye on going forward because the red line appears in the 24th episode unlike previous seasons.

> Regardless I'm going to be dropping my reviews on Growing Up is Hard to do late tomorrow and the Big Mac Question whenever you replied to that to prolong discussion (not withstanding repling to some of your points here)
alright,perfect because I have had enough time to reply your previous reviews 

> Whatever the final I it'll probably be the longest review I've ever written.
one of the reasons I have written this post is because there will be another treatment for the last material of this gen, making things even more special (and complicated) than usual.

> It's post FiM. The moment of truth...
and it´s a new one for the fanbase in general. No one knows what´s going to happen next except for future IDW releases in this post gen 4 period.