> Still, it´s curious that you are witnessing the ending instead of the beginning where ponies were posted everywhere on the internet.
I actually still see pony cameos pretty often in non brony spaces.
> that term is called "fan of the fandom" which means that you are not following this because you consume show content directly but more because of the community.
Woah dude I'm not willing to go that far dude hold on dude stop it dude slow down dude... maybe a little
> I am far from a psychologist but I imply that you feel that slight sadness because an "annoying" thing like ponies has engaged you more than expected because of two active users from an imageboard of this kind.
yeah, you're somebody who needs one! BURN XD
2BH I think it's that because, even if your fandom were mostly degenerate manbabies and other oddballs it's always been a presence in my life somehow someway for awhile. You aren't the first I've shitposted with though it is far less hostile than others.