> 2 kinky 4 me.
> So your trying to put a slight rational spin to a universe you consider irrationally depraved?
but that additional slight sense of logic doesn´t lead to much better results even though the problems both protagonists sound really plausible because of their interactions.
> this is an idea that I’ve had floating around in my head for a good 6 months.
I´ve had ideas for a fic for an entire year yet nothing has been transferred into actual content so far. The setup is indeed far more twisted than one would get from an average NSFW event.
I am not all that interested in this territory not because it might not work but because of this line: "Watching a porn movie because of its plot".
As you have typed, it sounds like it´s in reverse: social commentary about an hypersexualized society that follows absolutely twisted standards into it. NSFW stories can be actually interesting but keep in mind that you are posponing the fetish that your audience might be looking for. This is more an observation and to certain question about what kind of users you want to have for your fic: the NSFW ones or those who are looking for weird setups.
> I’m sure I’ll get around to it eventually
sometimes the best material is created in two days or in a pretty short period in which you cannot get rid of those ideas until you type them in order to get them out of your head.... that happened to me last year,true story
> No page just reloads whenever I try to insert a picture in the file box
I´ve had those problems as well. My biggest recommendation is that you copy the text (just in case) and refresh the page several times.