>  > >>/4726/

> The first arch will setup the basic plot, backstory, introduce some of the main characters, and expand a little on the lore of the world, as well as being the arch where our two main characters first meet. 

Sounds like a pretty normal set up. Not much to say here.

> This will mainly revolve both of our characters relationship with one another, and breaking down some of the expectations that they have both become so accustomed to in this strange new Equestria. Octavia will not only have learn to act and most importantly view herself as the dignified, well cultured intelligent, and beautiful mare she once was

This act could be the most critical act. As it would be the place where actual character development begins. One of the biggest flaws of fics in my opinion is these sections where a lot of fics have messed up in the past. For example, in most crossover fics the period between set up of the condition and the Ponies meeting X group often is written in a very utilitarian manner. Have them meet get used to each other and then go on the adventure as friends, it ruins the whole aspect of the crossover as two sides interacting that should be very freaked out over each other's existence even if they have to work together and not be already used to each other. Same can be said with fics where a pony is starts at a very disadvantaged position and then five chapters laters the main character is already getting some of the vengeance she desires against the evil bossy crime pony. Basically what I am saying in so many words is that this part should be a slower more stretched out process as opposed to be something you have get done as quickly as possible to a pay off as it make the story's pay off feel stronger and it could emphisize that little bit of nusance that I mentioned eariler just moments ago.

> The third Arch will begin sometime around when these two get past their prejudices, start to form their loving relationship, and Octavia learns to view herself as the mare she once was. While some aspects of this may blend into the later half of the second arch, this one will mainly revolve the breaking of trust

I don't have as much experience with relenship drama and this is primarily that. On it's face it sounds simple "finding out about X partners dark past" that I've seen in lots of media but I don't have enough experience here to really give out critiques  to the relationship itself.

> Although everything they went through wasn’t futile, as for whenever they’re in their room they can freely express their love for each other, learning to leave whatever happens on the other side of that door where it belongs.

Will the nuance be nurtured or will it be a typical "lovers against the world"? On it's face it sounds like it could be brought in several directions but it alone I'm not sure I can say much positive or negative on the ending Other than the fact that the world sure sucks and I'm not sure one would consider it either a happy ending or a tragedy.