> unable to control their boners while writing
I’ve written clop in the past, it’s as hard as you think. In fact being horny can actually help you with your writing. I’ve known some people who only write when they’re horny because that’s when they write their best stuff.
> too disgusted with what kinky fetishes.
I wouldn’t write about something I’m not into, but no doubt there will be a few kinks in there that I’m indifferent to.
> my image went through.
Weird, still doesn’t work for me.
> phew lad, we have a pretty strong start.
As I said this concept isn’t mine, so I can’t take any credit for it. I’m not even necessarily a “big fan” of the Fall of Equestria Universe, the unrealistic plot of most of these stories just set off my autism.
> However, your NSFW story might lead more to a social commentary than accomplishing the fetish at certain parts of the story.
That’s kind of the whole point. It’s supposed to be a romantic story written in an extremely dark setting. Obviously the NSFW aspects of the story are going to be extremely central to the plot, but they aren’t going to be the driving force behind the story, if that makes any sense.
> if changelings were evil, they would serve as a counter balance towards this norm.
I haven’t thought about including any non/ponies into this story. In fact while The Fall of Equestria revolves around the Caribou/Reindeer I was personally thinking of cutting them out of the story altogether, instead subsisting them with a group of radical stallions.
I really don’t like the inclusion of non-pony characters in the show or fandom as a whole. I miss season 1-2 when all we had was cute little poners, not even a changling in sight.
> I don´t know if this serves more to those who want the fetish to be the central part of the story (the peak of personal pleasure by reading this) or if you are featuring NSFW content as an excuse to make a social commentary with these two modes of living their lives.
Again the later. A lot of the NSFW stuff, especially the more kinky stuff is more of a plot point, rather than the whole plot.
> I believe that the love story from 1984 had a little bit of room to breathe in its dystopia but damn, your ideas sound like you want to reach the next level in order to drown yourself into NSFW acts.
I imagine that things are nowhere near as extreme for the average Equestrian, but this story is set in the heart of the beast, within Canterlot Castle where the rulers of this society and it’s culture are most prominent. Also the proportion of NSFW content will probably be a lot smaller than you would think. It’ll probably only constitute 20-33% of the story, but we’ll have to see.
> ”Watching a porn movie because of its plot".
It’s not porn, it just so happens to have a lot within it. There’s a subtle, but important difference.
> This is more an observation and to certain question about what kind of users you want to have for your fic: the NSFW ones or those who are looking for weird setups.
I plan to just include tags on the chapters that have NSFW work content within them, so people can just skip to the fun stuff if that’s all they’re interested in. Although personally I only read “clop” stories that have good plots, or at least setups. I don’t know why, but pure clop-fic with little to no plot just don’t interest me. I surely can’t be the only one.
> sometimes the best material is created in two days
My story is going to be at least 100,000 to 200,000 words long, so it’ll probably take [i]a lot[/i] longer than two days, even under tge best of circumstances.
> My biggest recommendation is that you copy the text (just in case) and refresh the page several times.
I tried that, unfortunately it didn't work. But thanks for the advice regardless.